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Evaluation of Building community-based capacities to improve labour conditions in Jordan (end of project evaluation)

Evaluation of Building community-based capacities to improve labour conditions in Jordan (end of project evaluation) عطاء
الجهة الناشرة
المجلس الدنماركي للاجئين - DRC - مكتب الأردن  

تاريخ النشر
الموعد النهائي


The purpose of the final evaluation is to produce an independent and systematic evaluation of the relevance/appropriateness, efficiency, effectiveness, connectedness, impact, sustainability and coherence in line with the OECD-DAC evaluation criteria of DRC’s progress towards Objective 1, 2 and 3. Specific consideration in the evaluation should be given to an assessment of the relevance of current activities and methods as well as coordination and coherence with project partners as well as the scalability & sustainability of the approach. The final evaluation will also seek to identify unintended negative and positive effects of the project, identify lessons learned, capture best practices, and generate evidence-based knowledge to further improve and refine interventions in the area of decent work. It is designed to complement DRC’s internally led monitoring and evaluation activities in order to develop a more holistic picture of the intervention’s strengths and weaknesses. The evaluation will provide specific conclusions and recommendations for building on the project’s results including adjustments in project approaches according to contextual needs.

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