
أختار اللغة

دخول | تسجيل جديد

تفاصيل ومرفقات العطاء

Purchasing Equipment

Purchasing Equipment عطاء
الجهة الناشرة
Leaders International for Economic Development  

تاريخ النشر
الموعد النهائي


Project Background:
Curated Experience - Developing Innovative and Diversified Touristic Products Across Jordan:
This project aims at reviving the once-flourishing tourism industry within Jordan, in light of COVID-19 devastations to the sector. The project seeks to improve on pre-existing weaknesses in the Jordanian tourism sector; In doing so, Leaders International will enhance the competitiveness of the industry through diversifying touristic offerings and adapting to recent travelling trends.
Moreover, the project will build the capacity of travel-experience operators through different support mechanisms, business linkages, and training programs; to enable them to provide curated experiences to inbound and local travelers. At the industry level, the project will cooperate with Jordanian tourism associations to promote Jordan’s cultural, historical, and natural diversity. Local authorities will also be involved in expanding Jordan’s current tourist base, mitigate risks associated with limited product offerings, and lastly, enhance local tourism through increased quantity and quality of products and offerings.

Accordingly, Leaders International will not merely focus on the innovation and product development side but will market the new travel experiences and leverage its outreach channels to speak to the needs of the modern traveler, in Jordan and abroad.
Leaders International for Economic Development aims to support the below beneficiaries within its project to improve and strengthen them, the support is listed under each beneficiary with the specification requests and requirements:

الشركات المميزة تبحث عن شريك لتقديم عطاء على هذه المناقصة؟

 نحن نبذل قصارى جهدنا لتقديم معلومات صحيحة ودقيقة، ولكن لا يمكننا ان نضمن ان جميع المعلومات المقدمة خالية من الاخطاء. انقر هنا اذا كان لديك اية اقتراحات او ملاحظات