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الشركات المميزة

Value Drug Store

نظرة عامة

Value Drug Store (VDS) functions as a whole distributor offering a range of medications, cosmetics and class I medical devices. It also holds exclusive distribution rights to numerous renowned agents in Jordan. Established in 2011, VDS has become a reliable provider of pharmaceutical products for most pharmacies and hospitals across the country. It has also actively participated in and secured various tenders since 2015.

المنتجات والخدمات

توريد أدوية و مستحضرات صيدلانية

الرجاء اكمال النموذج ادناه لمراسة المورد

البريد الإلكتروني
ادخل محتوى الرسالة الحد الاعلى 600 حرف